Click on any of the items to open up and view the corresponding printable PDF file.
- Access and Maintenance of Storage Silos
- Aerial Work Platforms
- Asphalt Paving Crew
- Backfilling
- Backing Up
- Batteries Charging and Service
- Bench Grinder*
- Brake Shoes and Drums on Trucks*
- Cell Phone Usage
- Circular Saw
- Cleaning Inside of Mixer Drums
- Cleaning Outside of Mixer Drums
- Cleaning Solvents and Flammables
- Concrete Delivery Placement
- Concrete Foundations
- Concrete Foundations – Winter Conditions
- Confined Space Entry
- Control of Traffic Flow on Work Sites
- Crushing Operations
- Demolitions
- Directional Drilling
- Driving
- Driving (Winter)
- Electrical System Lockout
- Equipment Activities Near Overhead Powerlines
- Excavating and Trenching
- Excavating To Expose Existing Lines Or Underground Line Crossings
- Fabrication
- Fall Protection
- Fencing
- Fiberglass Tanks – Installation
- Fire Extinguishers
- Fire Hydrants
- General Housekeeping
- Grader Operator
- Grading Pipeline
- Grating Removal (Barricade)
- Handling Diesel Fuel
- Handling Gasoline
- Handling Oil
- Handling Propane
- Hazard Control Signage
- Heavy Equipment Maintenance
- Hoisting
- Hoisting and Rigging
- Horizontal Auguring, Boring, and/or Punch Crossing
- Hot Tap Operations
- Hydrocarbon Gasses
- Hydrovac Operations
- Installation of Blanking Devices
- Ladders
- Loader Operator
- Lockout of Pressure Systems
- Manual Lifting and Carrying
- Mechanical Vibration Tools (Jackhammers Tampers, Impact Drills)
- Mortar Mixers
- Motor Vehicle Operation
- Mounting- Dismounting Equipment
- Office Safety
- Opening and Guarding Manholes
- Operating a Screener
- Operation of Air Tools
- Operation of Manlifts and Scissor Lifts
- Piling Installation
- Pipe Welding
- Pipeline Tie-ins
- Planned Lifts and Suspended Loads
- Plasma Cutter
- Portable Arc Welders
- Portable Gas Monitor Bump and Calibration
- Portable Grinder
- Portable Ladders
- Power and Hand Tool Use
- Pressure Testing
- Propane Cylinders
- Purging Pipelines
- Purging Vessels and Piping Systems
- Quickie Saw
- Rebar Protection
- Refuelling Equipment
- Reporting Serious Incidents
- Restricted Work Areas
- Rigging
- Sandblasting
- Scaffolding
- Spray Painting
- Thawing of Frozen Ground Using Artificial Heating Methods
- Tires – Removing and Replacing
- Towing
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods
- Truck Engine – Removing and Replacing
- Truck Transmission – Replacing
- Tying Rebar
- Use and Care of Respiratory Equipment
- Use of Chain Saws
- Use of Portable Fire Extinguishers
- Use of Tiger Torches
- Using Cleaning Solvents
- Water and Sewer Installation
- Welding a Diesel Fuel Tank
- Working Alone
- Working in Hills and On Slopes
- Working on Live Electrical Apparatus
- Working with Snow Fence
- Working with Wildlife